Are US Elections always in NOVEMBER?

US elections always in November

US elections are not only always in November, but also always on the first Tuesday of that month. And the reason stems from America’s farm life in the 1800s!

Spring and early summer are planting season, while late summer and beginning of autumn are harvest season. That’s precisely why 19th-century lawmakers decided that the beginning of November is the perfect time for everyone to vote just before weather gets too cold.

Tuesday, on the other hand, was picked as the most convenient day of the week for famers to mark their ballot papers. On Sundays, most people spent the day in Church and in those days, they needed to travel at least a day to vote. In addition, they had to come back home in time for market day, which was on Wednesday.

And that’s how the American tradition of voting on the first Tuesday in November started and continues to date! 🗽

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