How President Biden tackled the CLIMATE CRISIS

Biden green promise

When Jo Biden ran for president 4 years ago, he made big promises about tackling climate crisis. And indeed, in 2024 it’s a fact that he’s made more for the environment than any other head of state so far!

Climate actions and achievements under Biden’s administration:

  • The US rejoined the Paris Agreement, committed to reducing global warming, as soon as Joe Biden stepped into the oval office in the beginning of 2021! The international treaty, also called ‘Paris Climate Accords’, was negotiated by 196 parties in 2015, and the States were the only one that withdrew from it when Donald Trump became President.
  • Jo Biden signed the largest piece of climate legislation in American history – the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
  • The Senate released an updated Methane Action Plan in 2022, including 50 specific measures on diminishing ‘Super pollutants’ (like Methane and Hydrofluorocarbons), backed by $20 billion! The previous year, Biden launched the Global Methane Pledge together with the European Commission.
  • The current head of state also issued additional rules on removing existing Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • The ‘New World’ made significant progress in green transportation by ordering federal agencies to purchase 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2027. And the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also set new passenger vehicle standards that would result in having over 50% electric or hybrid cars by 2032.
  • Towards the end of Jo Biden’s term, 2 separate reports established that the green policies, signed during his administration, would open almost 150,000 new jobs in clean energy and save about 200,000 lives from dangerous pollution in America!

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